Have you ever thought about making money online by selling products that you don’t even own? Contrary to what you may think, this isn’t affiliate marketing—it’s a simple reselling model. In this blog post, I’ll guide you through how I make over $1000 a month using this strategy.
What is Product Reselling?
Product reselling is a business model where you choose products, buy them from suppliers, and sell them at a higher price to make a profit. This method allows you to enter the market without needing a lot of money or expenses linked to having a physical shop or a storage space.
What makes this model unique is that you don’t keep any product yourself; You simply connect the supplier with the buyer. By building good relationships with suppliers and knowing what customers want, you can effectively manage product availability and make sure your customers get what they want without dealing with the hassle of inventory.
Step 1: Finding Products to Resell
The most important aspect of reselling is selecting the right products. If you’re using the wrong products, you’re unlikely to make sales. Here are two websites I use to find the best-selling products:
- Minea AdSpy: This site shows the best-performing ads on social media platforms like Facebook, TikTok, and Pinterest.
- Glimpse: Offers insights into trending products by analyzing search data and showing top-performing items.
By using these websites, you can find trending products that are proven to sell well. Once you’ve identified a product, such as a kid’s tablet, the next step is to source it from platforms like Amazon or AliExpress.
Step 2: Planning Your Promotion
There are two ways to promote products:
- Create a website: This allows you to list products and direct traffic to your site through ads or by building organic audience.
- Run Social Media Ads: Use platforms like Facebook, Tiktok or Instagram to advertise your products directly to potential buyers.
If you’re on a budget, Facebook ads are a great starting point. Once customers place an order, you purchase the product from the supplier, and they ship it directly to the buyer.
Step 3: Profit Calculation
Your Profit comes from carefully choosing the right price. After figuring out the total costs, which include the product cost, shipping, and advertising, You can then add a markup. For instance, if the product costs $123 (shipping included), I usually add $40 to $50 for profit where i get to deduct my ads spending from.
This pricing strategy works well because a successful ad campaign can lead to many sales. This lowers the cost per sale, increasing overall profits and enhancing business success. The combination of smart pricing and good marketing drives lasting profitability in retail.
Final Thoughts
Reselling is an excellent way to generate income without holding inventory or dealing with affiliate programs. It’s simple, scalable, and profitable if you know how to pick the right products and promote them effectively.
Start your reselling journey today and let me know how it goes in the comments!